*click on the Name for more information
Structure Class
Enstatite chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
305 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 5.1g

This is 1 of 130 approved meteorites classified as EL6. Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 88, MAPS 39, A215-A272 (2004)
*click on the Name for more information
Structure Class
Enstatite chondrites
Chemical Class
EL-melt rock
Year found
100 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 9.6g

History and physical characteristics: Hundreds of fragments that weigh >100 kg were collected in the Algerian desert in 2004. Small fragments (~100 g) are commonly weathered to a dark brown with very dark weathering veins. Large pieces may retain portions of weathered fusion crust with only moderate to lightly weathered interiors. Petrography: (T. Bunch and J. Wittke, NAU) A completely recrystallized enstatite chondrite with polygonal to irregular grain outlines. The grain size varies from 0.02 to 0.7 mm. Round, curved, blocky objects contain coarser-grained orthopyroxene than in the matrix. No relict chondrules were observed in ~32 cm2 that were analyzed. Metal, daubreelite, and tiny, vermicular grains of graphite are also present and constitute
*click on the Name for more information
Structure Class
Chemical Class
EL-melt rock
Year found
1200 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 3.5g

This is 1 of 25 approved meteorites classified as EL-melt rock. Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 108 (2020) Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 55, 1146-1150
*click on the Name for more information
Structure Class
Enstatite chondrites
Chemical Class
EL-melt rock
Year found
1088 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 0.82g

History: Purchased by Marcin Cimała in May 2009 from a Moroccan dealer. Physical characteristics: A group of dark brown, dense stones comprising two larger pieces and many small fragments (total 1088 g). Fresh interiors are black with abundant, anastomosing metal and sulfide grains. Petrography: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) Breccia composed of clasts rich in irregular, elongated grains of metal and sulfides with associated Fe-poor silicates. Minerals are forsterite, enstatite, diopside, albite, Si-poor kamacite, troilite, taenite, schreibersite, and daubreelite. Geochemistry: Forsterite (Fa0.9), enstatite (Fs1.5-1.8Wo1.4-1.2), diopside (Fs0.7-2.3Wo45.9-44.6). Classification: EL-melt breccia. Specimens: A total of 36 g of type material and one polished thin section are on deposit at UWB. The remaining material is held jointly by Mr. M. Cimała and Mr. T. Jakubowski.