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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
6.98 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 57.7g
History: Purchased by James Tobin in February 2009 from a dealer at the Tucson Gem show Petrography: Easily discerned chondrules and chondrule fragments (up to 2 mm, with 1-1.5 mm diameter not infrequent) in a recrystallized matrix. Contains roughly 1-2% metal, and numerous chromite-plagioclase assemblages. Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa26.1±0.7, N=47); orthopyroxene (Fs22.2±1.0Wo1.7±0.5, N=22); plagioclase feldspar (Ab84.2±1.8Or5.5±2.2, N=5) Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL5) based on olivine and pyroxene compositions and large chondrule sizes. Specimens: Cascadia holds 186.7 g in multiple pieces, in addition to one polished thin section and a mounted butt
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
343 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 10.96g (2) 8.53g
This is 1 of 389 approved meteorites classified as LL4. Published in Gattacceca J., Bouvier A., Grossman J., Metzler K., and Uehara M. (2019)
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
LL6-melt breccia
Year found
16 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 400g
History: Purchased by Aziz Habibi in November 2018 from a Mauritanian dealer. Petrography: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) Relatively fresh, shock-modified breccia consisting of clasts of petrographic type 6 and shock stage S1 (largely recrystallized with rare chondrule remnants and stained metal) in a very fine grained to glassy matrix (black to cinnamon-brown in thin section). Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa30.8-31.2, N = 3), orthopyroxene (Fs25.1-25.5Wo2.2-1.6, N = 3), clinopyroxene (Fs10.5-10.6Wo42.9-42.7, N = 2). Magnetic susceptibility log χ (× 10-9 m3/kg) = 3.95. Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL6 melt breccia). Specimens: 83.5 g including one polished thin section at UWB; remainder with Mr. A. Habibi.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
1200 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 52.27g (2) 36.4g (3) 6.57g
History: The meteorite was purchased from a local meteorite dealer in Algeria. Physical characteristics: Dark-grayish rock with some fusion crust. Petrography: The meteorite displays a thoroughly recrystallized texture of dominantly olivine and orthopyroxene grains with relativey high Wo-contents. Plagioclase grains are up to 150 μm in size. One relict chondrule fragment has been found in the 1 × 1.5 cm section. Classification: Petrologic type 7 based on the equilibrated state of olivine and pyroxene, the large grain size of secondary plagioclase, and the high CaO concentration in low-Ca pyroxene.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
5.6 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 20.38g
History: Purchased by Mbark Arjdal in September 2019 from a dealer in Timbuktu, Mali. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL) Well-formed, fairly closely packed, relatively unequilibrated, glass-bearing chondrules (apparent diameter 900 ± 560 µm, N = 23) plus some isolated mineral clasts are set in a sparse opaque matrix rich in kamacite, taenite and troilite. Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa16.2±8.3, range Fa0.6-26.9, N = 9; Cr2O3 in ferroan olivines 0.07-0.55 wt.%, mean 0.25±0.16 wt.%, N = 33), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs14.4±5.0Wo1.5±1.8, range Fs7.4-21.5Wo0.3-4.7, N = 5), subcalcic augite (Fs19.2Wo31.1), diopside (Fs1.2Wo44.5). Magnetic susceptibility log χ (× 10-9 m3/kg) = 4.51. Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL3.15). Chondrule sizes and magnetic susceptibility support an LL rather than L class. Subtype based on Cr2O3 contents of ferroan olivines per Figure 15 of Grossman and Brearley (2005). Specimens: 38.2 g including one polished thin section at UWB; remainder with Mr. M. Arjdal.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
1933 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 68.4g (2) 73.48g (3) 58.09g
History: The meteorite was purchased from a dealer in Morocco. Physical characteristics: Grayish rock partly covered with fusion crust. Petrography: The meteorite shows a light grayish interior and is a brecciated ordinary chondrite with large, still mostly discernable chondrules (apparent mean diameter about 1 mm). The plagioclase grain size is about 60 µm. Some metal and sulfides are present in the matrix. Contains shock melt veins. Geochemistry: The composition of olivine Fa26.3±0.1 (n=4) and orthopyroxene Fs21.9±0.1 (n=4)Wo1.7±0.1 (n=4) are at the limit between that of L and LL groups. Classification: Ordinary chondrite LL(L)5. LL group is favored based on magnetic susceptibility, but the mineral composition is somewhat intermediate between L and LL groups, hence the LL(L) classification.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
LL6-melt breccia
Year found
5.63 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 199g (2) 41.7g (3) 23.0g (4) 143g
History: The meteorite was purchased from a dealer in Niger. Physical characteristics: Dark grayish rock without fusion crust. Petrography: Chondritic melt breccia composed of up to 5 cm sized type LL6 fragments set into abundant black melt rock. LL6 fragments contain some relict chondrules and secondary plagioclase has a grain size of about 70 µm. Shock melt is mostly recrystallized and contains characteristic FeNi metal and sufide spherules and entrained mineral fragments. No metal or sulfide veins are observed.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
769 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 27.15g
History: Purchased by Jason Whitcomb in August 2021 from an Algerian dealer. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and J. Boesenberg, BrownU) Breccia composed of lithic chondrite clasts in a sparse fine grained matrix. The clasts contain some remnant chondrules, but are largely recrystallized and contain sodic plagioclase, kamacite, troilite, chromite and chlorapatite, plus minor secondary barite and calcite. Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa32.0±0.9, range Fa31.1-33.4, N = 6), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs25.6±0.4Wo2.2±0.3, range Fs25.3-26.2Wo1.9-2.5, N = 4), pigeonite (Fs23.0Wo12.9), augite (Fs11.6±0.3Wo42.4±0.1, range Fs11.4-11.8Wo42.3-42.5, N = 2). Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL6 breccia). Specimens: 24.1 g including one polished thin section at PSF; remainder with Mr. J. Whitcomb.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
Year found
1140 g
[Museum Collection]
(1) 33.97g
History: The meteorite was purchased from a meteorite dealer in Mauritania. Physical characteristics: Brownish rock with some fusion crust. Petrography: The meteorite shows a chondritic texture with sharply outlined, mostly rounded and partly packed chondrules (mean diameter about 0.9 mm) set in a fine-grained matrix that contains some sulfides and FeNi metal.
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Structure Class
Ordinary chondrites
Chemical Class
LL6-melt breccia
Year found
12 kg
[Museum Collection]
(1) 10.86g (2) 10.81g (3) 4.24g
History: The meteorite was purchased from a dealer in Algeria. Physical characteristics: Many dark grayish fragments some of which partly covered with fusion crust. Petrography: The meteorite shows a fresh grayish interior and is a chondritic melt breccia composed of up to 1 cm sized angular to subrounded LL6 type fragments in a melt rock matrix. Plagioclase grain size in the LL6 regions is about 80 µm; some relict chondrules are present. The finely recrystallized melt rock matrix contains FeNi metal and sulfide spherules.